Imaginary sack featuring Richard Kimbrough Peek (1892-1962),
the man who thought up selling commodity sacks in pastel colors to
appeal to home-sewing housewives.
This story tells us Peek saw cretonne chair covers
(furniture-scale prints) in Wichita.
The issue
The Percy Kent Company had been making textile container bags for years.
They opened a Kansas City branch where Peek and his brothers were in charge,
eventually owning the Kansas City Percy Kent enterprise.
Gingham Girl flour packaged in fabric printed with a small check pattern.
It occurred to him that sacking dyed in the new pastel colors would be appealing. These new dyes were a 1930s innovation in themselves, pale colors that didn't wash out.
Peek's Good Idea
One of the very popular new colors was this light blue-green called Nile Green at the time.
During the Great Depression in the mid-1930s the latest cotton technology was color-fast pastel solids. It took a few more years for the dyes and dyeing technology to develop to the point that allowed textile mills to print bright, colorfast figures on yardage---the "dress prints" we associate with "feedsack."
Satire ala Minnie Pearl....
And indeed those girls (and boys) probably did have to wear rather embarrassing undergarments but NOT recycled from dress-print sacks until after 1938. Frugal mothers for several generations had recycled white sacks (some home-dyed with packaged dyes.) After 1937 they might have used pastel commercially-dyed sacks.
Events took a technological turn about 1939.
1939 Altadena, California
The girls are wearing dresses they have made of dress-print sacking. Pretty impressive
for 7th graders.
From the Altadena Historical Society
When you study reliably dated information about recycling dress-print sacks
you find this fashion fad occurred after 1938, more a result of World War II
fabric shortages than Depression poverty.
Earliest ad so far I've found for "Dres-Print Sax", Coshocton, Ohio, July 1939
September 1, 1939---WW2 commences
More about Richard Peek's good idea:
A few of Gloria Nixon's collection of Percy Kent bags.
There were supposedly 11 different colorways.
March, 1937 ad in the Kansas City Star
Something home stitchers made too in recycling the solid pastels.
Embroidered cocktail napkins.
Early ad for "flour sack, all colors" October, 1938, Kerrville, Texas.
Penney's was apparently selling clean, empty, colored, plain sacks.
Percy Kent's customer was not the housewife. It was the flour or feed mill like Staley. The bag manufacturer's target audience was commodity companies that used textile packaging---flour mills, sugar packagers, feed processors, fertilizer packers.
The "You" here is not the housewife but the flour mill owner.
Percy Kent advertised widely in mill trade periodicals; this ad with a striped
print sack from the 1940s or '50s.
Collection of the Johnson County (Kansas) Museum
Staley feed sacks in dress prints, probably manufactured by Percy Kent.
Staley specialized in hog feed. Pig Mama was a brand name.
Marketing you might not have imagined: Pig trading cards from Staley.